LOOPS is a project that is made out of looping animations. The animations are mostly animated deformations of modifiers.


This object was created with inspiration in handle on a construction site.

Porta Tempus

This Object is the most complicated out of all of from LOOPS project. It combines sharp and round shapes with multiple animated parts.

Acuti Lenis

Acuti Lenis shows us a way down by the movement and the shapes. But is it really going down???


As the name says it all. This object represents horizontal 8 as an infinit cycle. This cycle is made with rotation that in one angle makes the horizontal 8.


Despuma is some kind of a swamp like creature that moves in many different ways. If we look at some of the tips, they are going on the same direction, but as a whole it seems very random.


Osseuss is some kind of metallic rotating skeleton. We cannot really see where it starts and where it ends. The rotation is going same up and down and it is only on us how we look at it.


Labia looks like human lips. And it is not far from true.
We cannot definitely see the tops of the object, but it seems to be sharp.


Zyklus shows us the looping cycle pretty clear. From the others it is showing the looping by harsh move between the loops so we can see that it's looping.