Subsurface objects is a project as the name says objects with subsurface material that creates plesant gradients on the objects. Subsurface is commonly used to make any object look more alive.


This subsurface object is made out of many cubes which are put into aech other to make an interesting result. The cubes placement was made by AI with a python scrypt.


Pyramids are very old objects. They were invented in the past in Egypt. The shape is combination of triangles and squares.

Big Cubes

Same principe as the rectangles plays for cubes. Cubes are very simple but not when they are together.


Rectangles tend to be very simple shapes, but not when there are many of them. These rectangles are stuck together creating an interesting new shape.

Two Stones

These two stones do not come close to the other objects, but they do have many simularities. The way that they are structured is very oposite from the other shapes, but in some way they just flow with it...


Toruses are something between cylinders and spheres. Not in their shape, but in the combination of these two when arrayed.


As the name says, this is not a traditional object. It is made out of toruses that are puted together into a specific shape. The blobs show us that this object is not hollow.